Sunday, October 26, 2014

Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us
Linda Christensen


"The impact of Racism begins early. Even in our preschool years we are exposed to misinformation about people that are different from us"

This is unfortunately the sad truth. At a young age we are misguided by media, movies, and even teachers, about "facts" of other races and cultures. We have different expectations about how people that are different of us act and should be. 

when Christensen starts her project with the students she explains "I start by showing students old cartoons because the stereotypes are so blatant. We look at the roles women, men, people of color and poor people play in the cartoons". 

These stereotypes always seem to be focused most on. Men and women are depicted in a certain way they should act. Poor people and colored people are also often categorized in ways that are far from the truth and reality of who they really are. 

"For some, the lesson doesn't end in the classroom. Many who watched cartoons before say they can no longer enjoy them."

Its crazy, because once our eyes are opened up to a certain topic, its hard to not notice it everywhere. And these students are now noticing that cartoons aren't just rainbows and butterflies, and there are so many stereotypes in them. 

This is a really cool project to do with students. It opens their eyes up to whats going on around them. It is definitely an interesting thing to do with the students as it informs them but also is getting them to see beyond (for example) an innocent, clothed duck running around. 

I never even noticed that before!

This article shows and explains 9 different scenes from Disney movies/books that are racist. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture. I never really noticed that either . I guess I'm going to have to rematch the movie
